Paige Caine (’21). Paige made her first trip to Middleton Island to work with kittiwakes in the field in Summer 2018 where she helped run an experiment testing the effects of corticosterone on energy mobilization in kittiwake chicks, and presented her work on the relationships between behavior and energy metabolites at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting in Tampa, FL (January 2019). When she’s not in the lab, she is a peer study group leader and tutor, and a Writing Center peer consultant. Paige is now a PhD student at Georgia Tech, studying social insects.

Olivia George (’20) is a Biology major who joined the lab in Spring 2019 and has been learning PCR, ELISA, and kittiwake chick behavior analysis. In Fall 2019 she will begin a project looking at gene expression in the bursa and gonads of chicken embryos treated with Fadrozole, an aromatase inhibitor that prevents the production of estradiol. As of 2022, Olivia is a medical student at West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine (WVSOM).